Victoria Climbié 8 Years On: Does Every Child Matter?

Victoria’s death demanded root and branch changes within the child protection system.

The conference will seek to address the implementation of the reforms advocated by the Laming/Climbié Inquiry Report and the government response through its green paper ‘Every Child Matters’. Recent cases involving child deaths or serious injuries highlight increased concerns about whether child protection or safeguarding agencies are truly addressing – at operational level – the needs of all children to be protected. What has been achieved to improve current policies and practices?  Have we achieved more effective communication and levels of information sharing between partner agencies within the child protection system?  Are we in danger of losing the vision of ‘Every Child Matters?

VCF – the established leading organisation campaigning for improvement in child protection policies and practices – is the link organisation between statutory agencies, care services and the BME community.

Supported by the Children & Young People’s Group of the Network for London Nurses and Midwives and sponsored by the Royal College of Nursing London Region

Stop Child Abuse

20 Sep:  VCF awarded special initiative funding from City Parochial Foundation and Trust for London

The Victoria Climbié Foundation has received funding support from the Safeguarding Children’s Rights Initiative to deliver services in five London boroughs over a three-year period.

VCF announces Annual Conference – May 2008

Victoria Climbié 8 Years On: Does Every Child Matter? Supported by the Children & Young People’s Group of the London Network for Nurses and Midwives and sponsored by the Royal College of Nursing London Region.